Our first and current project is a livestream monitoring Steelhead activity in the Van Duzen River at one of the most prominent holding pools. Our long term goal for this technology is demonstrated with the use of Computer Vision, which can be used to accurately monitor and count spawning populations as well as have the potential to protect against poaching with live notifications.
Long Term Projects and Goals To Encourage Watershed Health
Oak Woodland Restoration
One of the avenues VDRP would like to pursue in our future to help the health of the watershed is involvement in Oak Woodland Restoration. This can take shape in many different ways, including: crews pulling invasive plant species, working with local landowners on prescribed burns, and working to control trees that compete with oaks to list just a few.
Groundwater Restoration
Another goal of VDRP is to be able to work with private landowners to assess areas of drainage concern during rainy season and potentially work with them to install drainage structures where appropriate. Protecting the rivers and streams from unnatural erosion is crucial to watershed health.